Flavoursome Panchamel Dal! (A rich fusion dish of five different types of lentils)

Panchmel dal is a traditional Rajasthani lentil delicacy, i.e it originates from India’s north-west state of Rajasthan. It is basically a delicious and nutritious fusion of five different types of protein-rich lentils. ‘Panch‘ in hindi means ‘five‘ and ‘mel‘ means ‘a combination of‘. ‘Dal’ simply translates to ‘lentils’. In Rajasthan, it is most often served as…

The Ultimate “melt-in-the-mouth” Fudgy Chocolate Brownies!

After hogging on too many cakes and goodies during the months of December and January (my b’day, hubby’s b’day, Christmas, New year, our anniversary…..phew!) I had decided to not do anything fancy at all for the Valentines Day this year. Infact, it’s the same story every year. By February, we are exhausted of celebrating so…